Tagged: zombieland

151 Proof Movies Hangover: Van Helsing

[After creating and then testing the drinking rules, Swan and Penguin recap their adventures with the movie. Offering their thoughts on the quality of the film itself, as well as how the drinking rules...

151 Proof Movie Hangover: Catwoman

[After creating and then testing the drinking rules, Swan and Penguin recap their adventures with the movie. Offering their thoughts on the quality of the film itself, as well as how the drinking rules...

151 Proof Movies Hangover: Hunt to Kill

[After creating and then testing the drinking rules, Swan and Penguin recap their adventures with the movie. Offering their thoughts on the quality of the film itself, as well as how the drinking rules...

151 Proof Movies Hangover: The Happening

We watched a movie. We drank to said movie. The drinking wasn’t the part that hurts us until this day. This is…. The Happening! Movie-1.5 Swan-2 I have always believe that M. Night Shamlamadyong...

151 Proof Movies Hangover: Under Siege

Die Hard is one of.. if not my personal favorite… action movie of all-time. So an imitation can go one of two ways really, it can destroy the core concept that makes Die Hard...