Category: Movies

Top 7 Saw Traps

“If it’s Halloween, it must be SAW” There was a time when these words rang true. Saw, 2004’s “little ‘torture porn’ flick that could,” made over $100 million worldwide on a $1.2 million budget,...

Movie Review: It

When Stephen King’s 1974 novel “Carrie” was adapted by Brian de Palma in 1976, I doubt the former high school English teacher could have predicted the profound impact his work would have not only on...

Movie Review: Death Note

To many, Death Note may seem like another live-action adaption of an anime that Hollywood butchers, but those people are only thinking with their brains. What they need to think with is their imagination...

Ghastly Gems: Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

OK, I know I said I’d save sequels for later, but I’ll cheat just this once, because the film is so significant (and technically introduces a new monster). 1935’s Bride of Frankenstein is the...

Ghastly Gems: The Invisible Man (1933)

Just two years after James Whale changed the landscape of horror cinema with Frankenstein, he directed The Invisible Man for Universal in 1933, where he would focus on revolutionary special effects and subtle psychological...

Ghastly Gems: Frankenstein (1931)

Released the same year as Dracula, Frankenstein marked a pivotal moment for the then-budding horror genre. In sharp contrast to Dracula’s purely malevolent vampire, the central monster in Frankenstein is almost entirely sympathetic. While...