Category: Ask a Dork

Ask a Dork: Why Majora’s Mask is Special

“What makes Majora’s Mask so special to you?” The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is easily the most experimental, atmospheric, and unique game in the Zelda franchise. That isn’t exactly what makes it great...

2015 RPGs

So, it’s finally 2015 and it looks like RPGs are making a bit of a comeback. Everyone is talking about Final Fantasy XV, Persona 5, Bravely Second, and Kingdom Hearts III. Today, we won’t...


“What would you like to see Club Nintendo replaced with? Or what improvements would you make?” I’d like to see a new rewards program account being more tied into my system’s accounts (NNIDs). As...

Ask a Dork: Fixing Sonic the Hedgehog

“How would you proceed with the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise if you were SEGA?” Honestly? I would put Sonic on ice for at least two years. No comics. No TV shows. No video games....

Ask a Dork: 2K14 Takeaways

“What do you think the takeaways from gaming/industry are in 2014?” That mobile games like Fappy Bird are usually flashes in the pan? That Kinect was dead weight from the beginning? That it’s a...

Ask a Dork: 2014 Awesomeness

“Looking back at 2014, in relations to entertainment, what are you thankful for?” Well, Taylor Swift released a new album and that’s enough for some people to deem 2014 an entertainment success. This is...

Ask a Dork: New Press Events

“With Nintendo using Nintendo Directs and Sony introducing the PlayStation Experience, how do you see the role of media changing/evolving to continue to serve their audience? Do you find these new informative initiatives competition for...

Ask a Dork: What is Canada

“As a Canadian, what films would you recommend to an outsider to get a good perspective on life in the Great White North?” Watch American films. Seriously, a lot of American movies are filmed...

Ask a Dork: Release Day Problems

“What do you think are good and terrible examples of a company dealing with release day problems/hiccups at launch?” Oh, the bad examples are plentiful. Considering the topic though, let’s differ to a few...