151 Proof Movies: Rubber Nipple Rule

This rule was originally proposed when I did the 151 Proof Movies for Batman and Robin, and its a very similar rule, but it can also be used as a “nuclear” option.

First, the rule. Simply put, its a rule in which you drink until 1) The movie becomes tolerable. 2) Until you’re so drunk it doesn’t matter. 3) You pass out. 4) The movie ends.

Its really a worst-case scenario type rule. And really there are probably only a handful of movies it would work on.

Now as I learned with Sucker Punch last night, it can also be used as a nuclear option in case the movie you are watching turns out to be surprisingly awful. The same rules apply but has to be declared by all parties during the viewing of the movie. Again, its like a last-ditch effort to save a bad thing!

There you have it, the Rubber Nipple Rule for Nerds on the Rocks.

Earl Rufus

The owner of this little chunk of the internet. Enjoys having a good time and being rather snarky!

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3 Responses

  1. […] but primarily out of confusion. Yet I don’t remember much drinking. I know Penguin called in Rubber Nipples just past the half way mark but…..think was alot of drinking before that. I know that my left […]

  2. […] expected. Thinking back on it every rule was rather painful, painful enough for Penguin to call in Rubber Nipples at the 3/4 […]

  3. […] Rubber Nipples – Created during our first viewing of Batman and Robin, Rubber Nipples is a safeguard for your movie-watching pleasure! […]

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