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Battle Royale: TV Theme Song Edition

Well it is that time of the week again! Happy New Year to all the Nerds out there! Hope 2013 rocks for all of you!
For those of you who are new to Battle Royale each week we post two songs that go head to head trying to get your votes and emerge as the champion! This month we are focusing on TV Show Theme Songs! The Fight Schedule is as follows!
Week 1: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme VS. The Muppet Show Theme Song
Week 2: Mission Impossible Theme Song VS. Batman (Adam West) Theme Song
Week 3: Week 1 Loser VS. Week 2 Loser
Week 4: Week 1 Winner VS. Week 2 Winner!

It is up to you the fans to decide which theme song will emerge from the ring as our champion at month end!

[poll id=”77″]

We have a show from the 90’s that anyone from the 90s could sing the whole theme song with out missing a beat. It is a catchy theme song that simply describes the whole theme of the show. The show is what helped set up an acting career for the one and only Will Smith! The show is the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air of course! So turn your speaker volume up and jam out to this 90s classic!


The Challenger
This is a show that has characters still around today. In fact they had a movie in 2011 that was the highest grossing film & actually won an Oscar for a song, tho not the song in Battle Royale. This is about TV Theme Songs, and this show came about in 1976! The stars of the show were not human, but puppets or Muppets! Yes The Muppet Show! The theme song is another classic theme song that has had children singing for the last 30+ years!


So Nerds it is time for you to decide which theme song has what it takes to advance and which show is lacking the extra punch?!
It is up to you and only you, The Fresh Prince Vs The Muppets!
Be sure to come back next week to find out who won and vote for the week 2 fighters!

Josh Raj

Financial Analyst by day, DC Superhero by night! Fan of all things DC (Batman and Green Lantern). You can find me on Twitter: @joshraj9

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