Earl’s Pick 7 for 2015

The bell will soon toll for the year 2015, and like everyone else on the planet it’s that time of the year where I offer reflections. In year’s past, I would usually churn out a list of my 7 Favorite Video Games, but personally felt this year was a bit light in games that I truly loved. Instead of offering a half-hearted list, I decided to expand the base and just pick 7 of the Best (Or Worst) things of the past Calendar Year. Join me on this recollection of 2015!

Best (Worst) First-Time Viewing for 151 Proof Movies: Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

I have to say, it was a relatively disappointing year for 151 Proof Movies. A mixture of re-watches and theme months really made it difficult for anything to stand out. But the staple of the summer, Sharknado proved to be an enjoyable ride. Will it sustain momentum for a 4th entry? Who really knows, but so far so good.


Top Spy Movie: Kingsman The Secret ServiceĀ 

As a huge fan of spy-entertainment, 2015 was a fantastic year for the genre. We saw new entries in the James Bond and Mission: Impossible franchise. We saw a female get to take center stage in Spy and we got a fun throwback in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. But one movie stood above the rest, and it was the first film to hit in the genre. Kingsman: The Secret Service came out of nowhere for me, but it was a fun throwback to the era of Roger Moore Bond with lavish set, beautiful women, fine suits and outlandish gadgets while still feeling modern, fresh and most of all not-campy.


Best Crossover Event: Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

Is this the best comic of the year? I don’t know and I don’t care, a childhood dream of mine became a reality this year and you’re damn right I’m going to celebrate it. The comic just dropped it’s first issue early this month so the review is fresh on the site, but to sum it up. Check it out. It teases everything you want and more and the art is just beautiful.


Best Way To Prove Your Friends are Complete Dicks: Super Mario Maker

Mario Party was always a test of friendships due to how much you could screw over friends and family to get what you want, but it seems like Nintendo wasn’t content with just having one franchise to ruin relationships. Enter Super Mario Maker, and watch as you learn how evil your friends’ minds truly are. The… I can’t even think about it!



BestĀ Trailer: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer 2

May not be the biggest Star Wars fan in the world, but there’s no denying that Disney played their cards beautifully this past year with the marketing. None of the trailers really showed their hands instead choosing to evoke a ton of emotions from fans across the globe. The first trailer/teaser was a bit vague, the third more of a traditional trailer. It was the 2nd trailer that really struck the balance of action, intrigue and nostalgia.

BestĀ TV Show That Left my Jaw on the Floor: The Flash

If you follow me on Twitter, or any social media channel, you know I’ve done a terrible job of hiding my love of The Flash. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it in an “official” capacity that The Flash season 1 is one of the finest rookie seasons I’ve seen of any show. Not just comic book shows, but TV shows in general. It’s not often you see a show that understands so strongly what it wants to be as quickly as The Flash has. And proving it’s not a flash (no pun) in the pan, season 2 has started on a high level as well. Here’s to more of the Scarlet Speedster in 2016!


Best Video Game to Stay Fresh: Splatoon

Going back and forth on this. It came down to Splatoon and Xenoblade Chronicles X, and ultimately decided to follow my heart. No game has bought me more hours of countless joy than Splatoon. It’s a game that is easy to pick up and play, but offers so much depth that you never get bored by it’s limited selection of modes. One of the rare games in 2015 that left me with that craving for “one more match” time and time again. Helped by Nintendo’s timely and generous release of new weapons, maps and modes and of course SplatFests, there was reason to return to the title time and time again. If you haven’t tried it yet, there’s no time like the present to Stay Fresh!


There you have it from video games to comics, 2015 was a hell of a year!

Earl Rufus

The owner of this little chunk of the internet. Enjoys having a good time and being rather snarky!

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