Dan’s Comic Reviews: Week of Feb 4th 2015
It’s that time again. Last week’s 7 reviews were a bit much for me so I’ve whittled it down to 5 books from Dynamite, Valiant, and Dark Horse. Here’s Dan’s D.V.D. Reviews (the name is a work in progress).
Shaft #3 
Writer: David Walker
Art: Bilquis Evely
It got real last issue, with a high body count being generated in just the last few pages. The corpses continue to pile up this time around and even without his trademark ‘stache, John Shaft is still proving to be one bad mother- (shut yo mouth). Out for revenge, John is in between the cops and the mob, and even finds time for a ‘Nam flashback. This is a detective story with some grit and fresh art.
Review 5 (out of 7)
Imperium #1
Writer: Joshua Dysart
Artist: Doug Braithwaite
From the first page, you know the utopian vision being presented in this book is off. But when it goes on and on, becoming so hopeful and touching, you almost want it to be true. And that’s when we’re crashed into a Syrian battleground. New to the Valiant universe, I don’t know much about the ultra-powerful Toyo Harada but this inaugural book gives us the ominous sense of things to come.
Review 5 out of 7
X-O Manowar #33
Writer: Robert Venditti
Penciler: Rafa Sandoval
Inker: Jordi Tarragona
Colorist: David Garcia Cruz
Didn’t I just review this title last week? No complaints here. This self-proclaimed jumping on point sports a new art team giving us an incredibly lush flashback to Aric’s barbarian days. Sticking mostly to the past, Aric dreams of his lost love and a clash with Roman soldiers. Meanwhile in the present day, trouble is brewing in the stars.
Review 6 out of 7
Lady Killer #2
Writers: Joëlle Jones & Jamie S. Rich
Artist: Joëlle Jones
Following a 1960s homemaker/skilled assassin, issue 2 brings up the work-life balance problems that would naturally come up when you’re a wife/mother of two who brutally murders people for a living. If you love detailed retro-style art as much as I do, you’ll definitely want to crack this book open. Jones even takes the time to carefully draw the runs in our main character’s stockings after she dispatches one of her contracts. Fun, violent, and vividly drawn, “Lady Killer” is a new take on the tired assassin trope.
Review 6 (out of 7)
The Goon: Once Upon a Hard Time #1
Writer, Artist, and Cover: Eric Powell
You know when a comic opens introducing a cinder block people are going to get hurt. With enemies on all sides, supernatural and otherwise, our title character is on a (debatably self-destructive) rampage. But between the hard drinking and ass kicking its hard not to notice how well-constructed this book is. The action flows so cohesively from one panel to the next, you’re engaged from the first smashed window.
Review 6 out of 7