Author: Earl Rufus

007 Days of Nov: Day 8

This week is dedicated to the colorful foes that Bond have wrestled with over the past 40 years. We shall cover everything from our favorite to our favorite lair as we did yesterday. Today...

007 Days of Nov: Day 007

We have reached day 007 of our 007 Days of Nov. It has been quite a trip so far as we strolled down Bond memory lane. Yesterday, we touched on locations in a Bond...

From the Hart: Luigi Circuit (MK: Double Dash)

Depending on the game, the Mario Kart series evokes different responses from different gamers. There are those who love the original (actually, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t), then there are varying degrees of love/hate...

007 Days of Nov: Day 6

Japan. Harlem. North Korea. Jamaica. Bond travels the world from the most mundane to the most exotic locations. Narrowing it down to just a single location would prove to be a daunting task after...

007 Days of Nov: Day 5

This past week we have been dissected the beginning of a Bond movie. We’ve talked about the pre-credits sequence, we talked about favorite theme song, and now we come to the end. As we...

007 Days of Nov: Day 4

The gun barrel sequence. The mini-action setpiece. The theme song/opening intro. The movie. The Bond movies developed a pretty simple formula from the 2nd movie, and it has taken them through 21 movies without...

007 Days of Nov: Day 3

We’ve learned his name. We know that nobody does it better, and that he has found another way to die.  The themes of the Bond movies are in some cases just as memorable (and...