Tagged: superior foes of spider-man
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #12 Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Steve Lieber Color Artist: Rachelle Rosenberg After a lull the Superior Foes of Spider-Man are back in full force! So much happens in this issue!...
The Terminator: Enemy of My Enemy #1 Written by: Dan Jolley Art by: Jamal Igle Colors by: Moose Baumann The 80’s were great days. Back then, you played outside until dark and listened for...
This week’s show is all about our future overlords. In honor of the premiere of Almost Human this weekend (which we don’t recommend checking out), we thought it would be a fun time to...
WARNING: There will be spoilers in this episode. All spoilers actually! This week the gang goes to funeral home as we talk fictional deaths. After the events of a certain TV show, we thought...
Join us this week as we explore the dark and seedy world of the movie sequel. We talk about the good, the bad and the not so needed. Everything from aliens in Indiana Jones...
We’ve all done it. Gone over the stats, the figures, the history. We’ve boiled it down to the bare essentials and the most obscure facts. I’m talking about matching up fictional characters in all...
There has been some interesting match-ups on display these past few days on NoTR. Sadly, we have reached the end of the road. The final 3 match-ups to be featured on tomorrow’s brand new...
The biggest weekend of the year is here! The time when nerds can be nerds openly and people won’t slander them (sadly even comic con is getting a bad rep these days). We kick...
Your Zombies have become Robots. This is a fact. There is no avoiding it, and there is no cure. The only thing you can do now is fight for human survival. Luckily, you have...