Nerds on the Rocks Blog

151 Proof Movies Hangover: Hunt to Kill

[After creating and then testing the drinking rules, Swan and Penguin recap their adventures with the movie. Offering their thoughts on the quality of the film itself, as well as how the drinking rules...

Just Imagine… 007 Legends

007 Legends was announced a few short weeks ago, and on paper the game sounds like one of the most intriguing Bond projects to date. The idea of combing 6 different Bond movies, including...

Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con Costume Contest

In the coming weeks, I’ll be writing and featuring more content related to the Wizard World Comic Con in Philadelphia, running May 31st to June 3rd. This will ultimately culminate with a number of...

Ask a Dork – Sony at E3 2012

“What does Sony need to win e3. What do you expect?” Attending e3 is kind of like playing a game of cards; most companies go in assuming that their going to trump the competition...

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: N is for 9

Production design doesn’t equal a story. You can have the most beautiful costume design, drop dead gorgeous sets, amazing special effects, but if the story is boring and cliched? Your movie is going to...