Dual Wielding 69: PlayStation Beyond Cast
This week’s show has some news (Bioshock is now in 2013, Dishonored in Oct 2012), some impressions of Sin and Punishment 2 and Company of Heroes. But the meat and potatoes is our e3 predictions, and we have our eyes locked on Sony and the PlayStation family. What does Sony need to provide at e3 to show some life in the Vita? What big surprises are in store? And what do we think will be the show pleasing go home tease? All of that and so much more in this jam-packed episode!
P.S Leave us your thoughts on what you want/expect to see from Sony at e3. Drop us a line in the comments, send us a reply @Dual_Wielding or send us an e-mail at DW@Nerdsontherocks.com