The Comic Anvil 15

Download Ep 15 

Tammy Does Stedman and Pantera!

So…this is the triumphant return of the Comic Anvil. Mad CHAOS! The show starts out simple enough.  Anthony,Wes, Tommy and myself start off talking about the books we like…and then…Tommy pulls a fast one! The man pulls in the ‘now legendary’ artist of Scarlet Spider, Ryan Stegman. (all apologies sir, you did not get a proper intro, I was stunned!) And then he doesn’t stop there, he also brings in Nick Pitarra!  (Red Wing, Manhattan Projects) HOLY SWEET BABY COOKIE MONSTER!!!!!!!



This show was a lot of fun kids! Made my day! Heck…it made us Anvil guys YEAR! So this show is not what I would call an interview. More like an excellent conversation with 3 SUPER DEADLY FREAKING AWESOME ARTISTS! (yes, still pretty pumped) So listen and enjoy! Warning: Lots of cussing from me this episode. I was stunned.

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