Review Shooter: Nightwing #1
Writer: Kyle Higgins Pencils: Eddy Barrows Inks: Rod Reis   Nightwing #1 follows Dick Grayson as he returns to the role of Nightwing, and as he visits the Haley Circus, who are back in...
Writer: Kyle Higgins Pencils: Eddy Barrows Inks: Rod Reis   Nightwing #1 follows Dick Grayson as he returns to the role of Nightwing, and as he visits the Haley Circus, who are back in...
Writer: Scott Snyder Pencils: Greg Capullo Inks: Jonathon Glapion   Batman #1 follows Batman as he investigates a murder, and as he announces his plans for Gotham (as Bruce Wayne, that is). This was...
Writers: J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman Artist: J.H. Williams III Colours: Dave Stewart   Batwoman #1 follows the title character as she tries to solve a bizarre serious of kidnappings, while dealing...
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Penciller: Patrick Gleason Inker: Mick Gray   Batman and Robin #1 introduces the dynamic duo to the new DC universe, but they’re not exactly the dynamic duo we know. We...
Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Rag Morales   Action Comics #1 follows Superman’s early adventures in Metropolis as he fights for justice, and re-introduces us to a few of Superman’s biggest supporting characters. If you’ve...
Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Ardian Syaf   Batgirl #1 follows Barbara Gordon’s new adventures as Batigirl, now that she’s able to walk again. And although her legs may work, she’s still got a lot...
Writer & Artist: Tony S. Daniel Inker: Ryan Winn   Detective Comics #1 follows Batman a few years in the past, when the police force were still unsure of him and sees him going...
Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Marco Checchetto The Punisher #2 follows the detectives trying to solve the massacre that occurred in issue one, as well as following Frank Castle as he tries to do the...
Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Renato Guedes   Wolverine #14 is the conclusion to “Wolverine’s Revenge!” and sees Logan learn the truth behind the Red Right Hand’s revenge plan against him. Now, I have one...
Writer: Jonathon Hickman Artist: Esad Ribic  Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #1 follows Nick Fury, newly re-appointed Director of SHIELD as he struggles to keep the world at peace, as well as following some...