Tagged: PC
Review: D4
“This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons,places, organizations etc. is purely coincidental” D4 says as you first load up the game, implying anything that could possibly emanate from the imagination...
Review: Not A Hero
British humour is something that’s very hard to get right, and appears very scantily in video games. Roll7, most notably known for their excellent skating series, OlliOlli, have attempted to implement their own brand...
Game Review: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Just under a year B.J. Blazkowicz is already back in action. Is it worth it to take another stab at some Nazis?
Review: Titan Souls
From game jam prototype to full game. Does Titan Souls make the jump successfully?
Review: Worlds of Magic
Indie games in 2015 are interesting. The ease of access of modern development tools means that anyone can make a game if they want to, and the tools are relatively easy to use. As...
Review: BlazeRush
In recent times there has been a lack of arcadey couch multiplayer racers, its because of this that Targem Games brings BlazeRush, an action-racer that aims to focus on delivering a hectic and fun...
Review: A City Sleeps
In recent times, Harmonix seems to have been branching out from their regular formula of making traditional “play the music” accessory based rhythm games. Their latest offering, A City Sleeps, is an example...
Review: Hatoful Boyfriend
Visual Novels are a thing that I’m relatively new to. Outside of the antics that happen in the Ace Attorney series, I’ve only experienced the psychological pseudoscience thrills that the Zero Escape series provides,...
Preview: Cities Skylines
If you are into urban city building simulators you might have already seen the announcement trailer of Cities Skylines, but if not here it is again first: As you can see one of the...