Nerds on the Rocks Blog

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: U is for the Untouchables

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: U is for the Untouchables

This is a manly goddamn movie. Brian de Palma’s film of David Mamet’s script is, and I don’t use this word often, epic. The operatic sweep of the cinematography and the extremely quotable screenplay...

Project Batman: The Batman Theme

Project Batman was promised to be various things, and none of which I was completely sure about. But after watching Batman and Robin last night, it dawned on me that part of Project Batman...

Ask a Dork: Summer Game Releases

Why do you think game releases dry up in the summer? Are there any type of games you would slot into the season? Ah, the summer drought. Any gamer worth his/her britches knows that...

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: T is for the Third Man

Music in film is important. It can define a mood. It can provide counterpoint. It can even, in the case of musicals, provide plot. At its best, a film’s score enhances the rest of...