151 Proof Movies: Double Dragon Drinking Game
Sometimes, a movie just falls into your life at the right time. With word breaking that WayForward is looking to revive Double Dragon as an XBLA/PSN title, it seemed only fitting to test run the movie this weekend. So let’s head to the score board to see what this movie has in-store for us!
- Feel the Power of the Dragon- Mostly because this seems like the type of movie that has to hit you over the head with its name. Whenever Double Dragon or Dragon(s) is uttered in the film, take a drink.. Just a note, you don’t have to drink twice for Double Dragon. Defeats the purpose!
- Unleash The Dragon!– This seems to pop up a lot in action movies, but whenever the main characters kick someone take a drink!
- The Source of Our Power– This is a tough rule, since the trailer is oddly cut, but whenever the medallion is shown or mentioned, take a drink.
- The Fire Still Burns– Every time something is set ablaze or fire spews from an explosion, take a drink!
- Magic? Magic!– When ever something magical or unexplainable happens, take a drink!
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