151 Proof Movie: Poultrygeist Night of the Living Chicken

October comes but once a year, but we always want it to be such a special treat here on The Rocks. I mean horror films can be watched any time of year, but they are extra special this time of year. Which is why we are on our 4th Annual Beers and Fears!

Unlike in previous years though, we won’t be using our Beers and Fears rule set for the entire month. Years of experience has taught us while tropes exist, they don’t exist for every movie. Hence, almost every movie we do this year will have its own unique set of rules.

With that said, we announced earlier in the week our movie choice and that this would be another Social Viewing Party edition so we will also have all the details at the end of this post.

Enough chit-chat, you’re all here for the rules. Let’s get to the board!

  1. Night of the Saying Chicken – Every time chicken(s) is said in the film, take a drink.
  2. Night of the Killing Chicken – For every death/kill in the film, take a drink.
  3. Night of the Tromaing Chicken – Any time “Troma” is worked into the movie, take a drink.
  4. Night of the Gushing Chicken – For any excessive fluid oozing/spraying, take a drink.
  5. Night of the Changing Chicken – For every conversion/transformation into a zombie chicken or chicken zombie, take a drink.

There you have it, our drinking rules for Poultrygeist: Night of the Living Chicken.

As we said, this will be our viewing Party, and as of right now it will most likely take place via TinyChat. Any changes will be posted on Twitter!

There you have it. As always, you can follow along by following either @ER_NOTR or @Wooden_Pint on Twitter. Or by following the hashtag #151PM

Earl Rufus

The owner of this little chunk of the internet. Enjoys having a good time and being rather snarky!

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