Author: Trent Seely

Ask a Dork: Winning in a Fight

Why do we find discussions about “Who’s stronger” or “Who will win in a fight” so fascinating? That’s an interesting question. Since the days of the playground, little boys everywhere have debated this (seemingly)...

Ask a Dork: Video Game Economies

Ask a Dork: Video Game Economies

What game world do you think has the best and most secure economical system? Which do you feel is broken? While most people may not like the concept of money, the way we humans...

Ask a Dork: Female-led Films

Do you think the success of Frozen/Catching Fire will show Hollywood there’s a market for female-led films or be seen as the exception to the rule? There are indeed more male leads in modern...

Ask a Dork: Boss Battles

  Do you think that boss battles have outlived their usefulness in gaming or are they just not needed for certain genres? Boss battles have been a staple of the video game industry since...

50 Films Every Dork Should Watch

In our last Nerds on the Rocks podcast, a startling discovery was made: Sam Neal, the baby of our podcast group, didn’t understand half the references we were making. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been privy...

Ask a Dork: Thanksgiving Media

“Why isn’t Thanksgiving used as a theme/backdrop for more products in entertainment?” I’d argue that certain seasonal settings lend themselves better to film, television, and movie narratives. For example, Christmas is a prominent setting...

Underrated Horror: Trick ‘r Treat

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Well, at least it is in my mind and with all others that celebrate the Gaelic festival of Samhain (actually pronounced “sah-win”). That’s Halloween for those...