Author: Earl Rufus

Poll Position: Favorite Avenger

We run nearly weekly polls on the site so it is only fitting that we actually.. you know share the results of these polls once they are closed. It is something, we’re going to...

Microsoft Combat Evolved

Now that Sony has officially pulled back the curtain on PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, they become the second platform holder to create their own brand of mascot brawler. With Nintendo already finding tremendous success...

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and James Bond

It seems all but official that Sony will be revealing PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale this week, and a lot has been written about the potential rosters. Characters from Sony’s past and present and even...

Review Shooter: Mass Effect Homeworlds 1

Writer: Mac Walters Artist: Eduardo Francisco Review by Tim Taylor   Dark Horse is releasing a Mass Effect four issue limited series called Homeworlds. Each issue is an one-shot dedicated to a single character in the...