The Tab: Week of March 7th, 2011
Hold your wallets tight because this week you will be tempted by goodies on all sides. Welcome back to your weekly bill for all things nerd! What’s the hot releases for the week, let’s find out!
Video Games
The past few years have been quite interesting for Q1 of video games, we receive a ton of potential Game of the Year candidates in these first three months and in some cases (Mass Effect 2 and Resident Evil 4 spring to mind) are actual Game of the Year winners. This year is no different, and once again it is BioWare leading the charge with the release of Dragon Age 2. While it isn’t a game for everyone, no one can deny the wizards at BioWare aren’t talented.
It is also the start of the baseball season as Major League Baseball 2k11 is set to light up the charts this week. And THQ’s ambitious HomeFront looks to round out the major retail releases for the week.
Comic Books
A big week is ahead for DC as many of their titles take center stage. One has to look no further than perhaps the hottest book in DC’s catalog at the moment, Justice League: Generation Lost. As the book accelerates to its end-game, the stakes have been raised and friends have been lost. Will Booster and friends be able to stop Max Lord in time?
The Bat-family is all over the release list this week including Batman and Robin 21, which ended on a wonderful shot last issue. More importantly after a month plus lay-off, Batman Inc 3 is finally out. Where will the Dark Knight be this week? Who will accompany him on his adventure? Will we get another awesome Adam West ending? Only one way to find out, tune in same comic book shop time, same comic book channel!
The Death of Oracle storyline comes to a close in the pages of Birds of Prey 10. Did Babs meet her untimely demise in that helicopter or has she been 3 steps ahead of her foes the entire time?
While his adventure continues in Gen Lost, Booster Gold is facing time behind bars in his own comic for crimes he committed in the future, what punishment lies behind the bars for our hero? Connor and Bart decide to race for charity in Superboy 5. And Zatanna 10 rounds out the release for DC this week.
Image’s big title for the week is Walking Dead 82, which will have Rick and company dealing with some crazy messed up crap in their world. Just really read that for any issue of the series!
Our Marvel round-up shall be slightly stronger this week as we received assistance from NoTR co-hosts Anthony and Eric. Much like the Bat-family over on DC, center stage over at Marvel seems to be focused on the Amazing Spider-man. As Ultimate Spider-man 155 is out this week and continues the Death of Spider-man saga. After last issue, the stakes have been raised and Peter has been shaken. This week also features the premiere of Venom 1. With Flash now wearing the costume, how long can he go before the symbiote takes over him and he goes on a tear? For now, he serves a weapon and semi-ally of Spider-man!
After several delays, fans will finally be able to get their hands on Punisher Max 11. Incredible Hulk 624 and New Avengers rounds out the week in Marvel.
Comics invade the DVD/Blu-Ray section as well, as AMC’s hit series, The Walking Dead Season 1, finds its way to a store shelf near you this week. Watch or re-watch the 6 episode series several times before the planned October start for season 2!
For those who enjoy it, Jack-Ass 3D is out this week as well.
Finally for all of you who enjoy a bad bad movie, look no further than The Chaperone. Starring Triple H, this movie well has a turn around time of about 2 weeks from theater to home release, and that has to mean its great, right?
Did you tally up your total? Does your wallet weep? Join us next week if you have any money left!