The Tab: September 6th, 2010
Welcome to The Tab, where we at Nerds on the Rocks attempt to shine a spotlight on the big releases for the week across all forms of nerd-dom.
First up, this week sees a lot of shows ramping up for their fall debut as a lot of them hit home on DVD and Blu-Ray.
- Supernatural: The Complete Fifth Season
- The Office: Season Six
- Smallville: The Complete Ninth Season
- Chuck: The Complete Third Season
So look for these great shows in a store near you.
This is a relatively slow week for video games as gamers are given time to recover after last week’s Metroid: Other M and next week’s Halo Reach, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some potential gems in the pile.
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP)
- Spider Man: Shattered Dimensions (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii)
- Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X 2 (Xbox 360, PS3)
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Wii)
- NHL 11 (Xbox 360, PS3)
- NHL Slapshot (Wii)
Finally we come to comics for the week, with a special note that due to the Labor Day holiday, most comic shops will be delayed until Thursday this week.
- Batman #703
- Batman And Robin #14
- Booster Gold Vol 2 #36
- Green Lantern Vol 4 #57
- Justice League Generation Lost #9
- Red Robin #16
- Daytripper #10
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #641
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #642
- Daredevil Vol 2 #510
- New Avengers Vol 2 #4
- Thanos Imperative #4
So that’s the Tab for the week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress on the way out.
Damn you Labor Day! *angrily shakes fist*