Sonic Saturdays: Sonic Christmas Blast
“Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog” was a daily cartoon that was made roughly around the same time as the Archie Comic, and the Saturday Morning cartoon. The animation was sub-par, there were Lame puns...
“Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog” was a daily cartoon that was made roughly around the same time as the Archie Comic, and the Saturday Morning cartoon. The animation was sub-par, there were Lame puns...
Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Renato Guedes   Wolverine #14 is the conclusion to “Wolverine’s Revenge!” and sees Logan learn the truth behind the Red Right Hand’s revenge plan against him. Now, I have one...
A New Year has Dawned, but as with any year A Dark Knight looms overhead. Welcome Nerdities to the first Batman Vs of 2011. For those who are joining us for the first time,...
A Very Topanga Christmas Original Airdate: Dec 19th, 1997 100th episode of the series. Season 5 episode 11. [youtube]2bLUKmd7ZFw[/youtube] Review/Thoughts
First, an update on the 007 Days of Nov, I would have continued to posts throughout the month, but there seemed to be little interest and some complaints about the Bond-dominate posting on the...