Tagged: Trees

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: V is for Videodrome

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: V is for Videodrome

David Cronenberg’s scifi/horror film Videodrome plays in the fields he often did early in his career: body horror, flesh mechanics, the external reflecting the internal. But in Videodrome, he did so with a larger...



Hey there, hi there, ho there, it is your intrepid reporter Nicholas, here again with your update on the Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con! Saturday, as expected, was the busiest day of the con...

Wizard World Philadelphia: Y’know, for KIDS!

As has become pretty standard (at least in the bigger cons that I have attended myself), the last day of the Philly comic con (Sunday June 3rd) has been designated “Kid’s Day”. All kids...

Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con Costume Contest

In the coming weeks, I’ll be writing and featuring more content related to the Wizard World Comic Con in Philadelphia, running May 31st to June 3rd. This will ultimately culminate with a number of...

Building A Better Gaming Network

Every so often, I am reminded that G4TV exists. Generally aside from its e3 coverage, I avoid the network like a plague. Mostly because, it really doesn’t focus on the game’s industry. If you...

Say Anything, Community, and the Creative Process.

The newest album by the band Say Anything, Anarchy, My Dear, is in some respects a return to form. The last album, a self-titled effort, was viewed by many (including your humble writer) as a...