151 Proof Hangover – Skyscraper Review
Not even excess boobs could distract from an awful movie, we review Skyscraper.
Not even excess boobs could distract from an awful movie, we review Skyscraper.
The drinks were poured and now the movie shall be reviewed. We review Hobgoblins for Hangover!
Our drunken review of Half Past Dead from 151 Proof Movies drinking game.
The latest James Bond movie leaves Jonny more shaken then stirred.
Since we’ve covered House of the Dead on the site before, I thought we’d try something a bit different this week. This is coming to you as fresh as fresh can be. Still really...
[After carefully crafting the perfect set of drinking rules, Penguin and Swan embark on reviewing these disastrous films, and sharing the results with the world. Join us!] Movie: 2 Swan – 1 Pompeii is...
WWE Movies in the Bank keeps rocking and rolling. This week, we look at one of the more-promoted films in the line, The Chaperone, starring Triple H. This film is about an ex-con who...
Sequels by design aren’t evil constructs. They are used to give people more of what they love. There have been many amazing sequels, there have been terrible sequels and there have been misguided sequels....
The Expendables is a tough film to review. For me, it is really divorce my expectations on the film from what we got. Even with 2 years, and a re-visit, I still feel that...
Growing up is hard. Especially with no direction, no prospects, nothing to tell you, “hey kid, it’s going to be okay.” Quadrophenia is about that type of situation; aimless youth with nothing to do...