151 Proof Movies: Marvel’s Inhumans Drinking Game
We’re all about the movies here at 151 Proof, but sometimes we like to mix it up a bit with some television. Rarely do we get to service two masters as once as we...
We’re all about the movies here at 151 Proof, but sometimes we like to mix it up a bit with some television. Rarely do we get to service two masters as once as we...
#TVIsBack and we are about to kick it into overdrive. While last week saw the return of a few big shows, this week will really see the return and debut of all manners of...
Writer: Matthew Rosenberg Artist: Javier Garron Colorist: Israel Silva Publisher: Marvel Comics This is controversial, but I’m kind of digging the Secret Empire stories that are told from the HYDRA resistance’s POV. Secret Warriors...
Writer: Matthew Rosenberg Artist: Javier Garron Colorist: Israel Silva Publisher: Marvel Comics Secret Warriors #1 is truly the superhero comic of the resistance. It’s full of earth shaking action scenes that sometimes look like...
You’ve probably heard about Mutants. They’ve had a few movies. A classic cartoon with an epic theme song too. You may not have heard too much about the Inhumans though. Even if you’ve watched...
Inhuman #10 Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Ryan Stegman Colorist: Richard Isanove This issue is the second part of Inhuman’s AXIS tie-in and it is extremely enjoyable. What I really love about this series now...