Review Shooter: Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine #5

Man, I really wish that this series wasn’t bi-monthly. Why? Simply because it’s so good, that I hate having to wait so long to get my hands on the next issue. Of course, it’d be over by now if that were the case… anyway, on to why it’s so good.
I’ve been constantly raving about Jason Aaron because of his excellent work on many titles (including Wolverine and PunisherMAX), and he does not disappoint here. He really knows how to plot and script a book, no matter how different the main characters may be. And, despite my hatred of Mojo, he actually makes him bare-able here. Mojo’s basically a parody of the American T.V. industry, and that aspect is done really well in this issue. Usually, he’s just cheesy and stupid, but here it’s actually pretty funny.
Adam Kubert’s art is usually fantastic, but this series has been on a whole other level. It’s so crisp and clean, and the colours compliment it perfectly. Every panel is eye candy, and even the panels with no action at all are still a joy to look at. The art team duo of Kubert and Mark Roslan is doing some of their best work on this series, and I’ll be sad to see it end.
New reader accessibility scale: 4 This is issue five in a six issue series, so it’s not very easy to jump into. I’d recommend you try and find issues one, two and three, although it’d probably be a better idea to trade wait at this point. Still, you shouldn’t miss out on this series. Go and read it, you won’t regret it.