Comic Book Review – All-New Ghost Rider #5

All-New Ghost Rider #5
Writer: Filipe Smith
Artist: Tradd Moore
Colorist: Val Staples

The conclusion of Engines of Vengeance! The opening arc is over and it has quite an ending! Mr. Hyde is a big villain for such a new hero and inexperienced hero to be pitted against and Robbie Reyes lives to tell the tale. We also learn more about Eli’s lack of connection to the Ghost Rider we are all familiar with. Is this partnership of sorts going to end well For Robbie? Only time will tell. But Robbie does owe Eli for bringing him back to life.

I love the dynamics between Robbie and his little brother STK644038Gabe and Robbie and Eli. It is almost this constant tug of war inside Robbie trying to find some sort of balance. Because Robbie is already his brother’s hero and Eli wants him to do things that Gabe would not be proud of, no matter how necessary it may feel to Robbie. Throughout this series we have seen Gabe’s life in danger and this issue he finds himself I the most dangerous situation, will Robbie reach him in time? The final page is a great way to end the arc and I look forward to where this series is going!

Yes, the art is disproportionate and super cartoony at some points, but I really enjoy it. It brings a lighter feel to what could be a very dark book and makes it a really fun read. I really like the flames and the ghost Rider design, it’s quite different from the actual flaming skull we are used to. I really like the new legacy heroes that Marvel is introducing lately with Ms. Marvel and All-New Ghost Rider; they are fun new spins on existing characters while bringing something new and fresh. I can’t wait until Robbie gets to meet Johnny Blaze!

Rating: 5 (out of 7) – I liked the story although the ending was rather quick. The art is a really good fit for this book.

Jonathan Schultz

Twenty five years old, living in Southwest Michigan. Behavioral therapist working with children with Autism. I've been collecting comics for well over 10 years now. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram: @Johnny_Storm4

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