Author: Earl Rufus

Top 7 Drinking Games

Welcome once again to Nerds On the Rocks’ Top 7 List. Why 7? Why not! This week in honor of the release of Mario Party 9, we shall take a look at the top...

151 Proof Movies Hangover: The Happening

We watched a movie. We drank to said movie. The drinking wasn’t the part that hurts us until this day. This is…. The Happening! Movie-1.5 Swan-2 I have always believe that M. Night Shamlamadyong...

Building A Better Gaming Network

Every so often, I am reminded that G4TV exists. Generally aside from its e3 coverage, I avoid the network like a plague. Mostly because, it really doesn’t focus on the game’s industry. If you...

Dual Wielding 60: We Steam To You

After a week off, due to some technical difficulties, we return with a vengeance this week. And what a week it has been for new generation enthusiasts, first word has spread about a potential Steam Box from...