151 Proof Movies: Lockout (2012) Drinking Game
Most of the movies we pick for this, are either notoriously bad or pulled from a list of about 50 movies that we’ve collected from our fans. There are some rare occasions when a movie just happens to fall into your lap. When a movie gets a home release just 3 months after its theatrical release, our ears perk up just a bit. That’s what happened to have put Lockout on our radar. Then we checked out the trailer, and it seem to be right up our alley!
Let’s get to the rule book!
- Snow Job– Every time someone refers to the main character by Snow, take a drink.
- Fire in Space– For every explosion in the movie, take a drink.
- Death by Stars– Every time someone dies in the movie, take a drink.
- One Line to Rule Them All!– For every utterances of a one liner, take a drink.
- Fun with Gravity- Every time gravity is messed with, either making people lighter or heavier, take a drink.
This movie literally entered our lives last night so we only have the trailer to base these rules on. As always, we shall give them a test run and see how it goes. Can join us live using the hashtag #151PM around 10PM Est/7PM PST.
And for your enjoyment!
Based on the trailer this movie has everything we need to have a good time.
This looks like it should have been called John Carpenter’s Escape from Space.