Tagged: Sharknado

The Sharknado Touches Down

As we prepare for the final installment in the Sharknado franchise, we have taken to using our 151 Proof Movies night as a way to revisit the movies. Seeing as they are rewatches of...

Kick-Ass 2 and The Wolverine International Trailer Mix

Some mornings are just good mornings. Today, we were greeted with not one, but two international trailers for upcoming comic book movies. The first is another Kick-Ass 2 trailer, this time focused more on...

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: K is for Kick-Ass

The A-Z of Geek Cinema: K is for Kick-Ass

So I’m honestly not sure I can write anything about this film. It was over-the-top, violent, and seriously INSANE. I’ve read the book, and I quite honestly hated it. There was a vile racist...