PlayStation Experience Indie Impressions Part 1
Impressions by Gazele The Playstation Experience had A LOT of games to play, so much so that even if you went, there was no way you played them all. The Order, Destiny, and Bloodborne all...
Impressions by Gazele The Playstation Experience had A LOT of games to play, so much so that even if you went, there was no way you played them all. The Order, Destiny, and Bloodborne all...
Fighting games have recently enjoyed quite the revival in this generation of consoles, and as much as I love the fact that we’re practically being showered with fresh experiences and new games to tinker...
The interwebz absolutely blew up over the last few days as publishers pumped out trailer after trailer for their AAA lineups in what is shaping up to be one of the strongest years in...
Sure, its several hours late, but check out the awesome cinematic and game play trailers from what will be Capcom’s next big fighting game! [youtube]RSKidYxGzcQ[/youtube] [youtube]KLQ1aCOSQos[/youtube]