Tagged: speed demon

Game of the Year Countdown: Feb 2010

Game of the Year Countdown: Feb 2010

Our look at the year in games continues with Feb 2010, like mentioned before Q1 of this year was jam-packed with releases, and while the shortest month on the calender, Feb had its fair...

Goldeneye (Wii) Review

Goldeneye Wii is what Activision and Eurocom are dubbing a “Re-imagined” version of the Nintendo 64 game and Pierce Brosnan movie of the same name. The title replace Brosnan as everyone’s favorite secret agent with his...

Talk of the Town: Marvel Video Games

This past week at the New York Comic Con, Marvel had various games on the showfloor in different capacities. There was Captain America in a hands off, but playable build, there was Thor which...

Dual Wielding 9: 3DS-Mon

Things get started with a bang as we spend 10 minutes randomly discussing the Pokemon cartoon and the discovery that Brock really does open his eyes, and what you see will scar you! We...