Flashback: Metroid: Other M
We take a look back at the most recent entry in the Metroid franchise, Metroid: Other M
We take a look back at the most recent entry in the Metroid franchise, Metroid: Other M
The fall gaming season is upon us, and that of course means a barrage of games is about to hit. We help you weather the upcoming storm as we discuss all the major releases...
Nintendo has announced a drastic price cut for the 3DS after 4 months on the market so of course it is the talk of the podcast. And as always, it delves into a discussion...
Packed to the rafters is the name of the game. The back half of this episode focuses on Sony’s presence at e3, everything from NGP to Move to the PS3 is discussed. But before...
GAMERZ411 #2: Activision Versus Infinity Ward + EA – Who’s To Blame? Also In this Episode: -Inside Info: Who Created Console Hate + “Fanboys”? -Resistance 3: Why isn’t it Getting the Heat it Deserves?...