Tagged: entertainment

Sonic Generation: A Tail of Two Sonics Trailer

Sonic Generation: A Tail of Two Sonics Trailer

SEGA has released another trailer for their upcoming Sonic Generation title. The title continues to look good, and I’m surprised each day that SEGA hasn’t found some way to screw the pooch… yet! [youtube]N3iCG20ZPQc[/youtube]

Review Shooter: Catherine (Xbox 360/PS3)

(Review submitted by Phil Dean ) Finally the next game from the Persona Team, am I right? Well, if you’re coming into this game expecting something along the lines of Persona then you’re going to be thoroughly...

Rage Trailer- Uprising

Rage Trailer- Uprising

What’s all the RAGE about? (Sorry couldn’t help myself!) Check out id’s new game in action below [youtube]GFE66chCZuA&hd=1[/youtube] “Uprising” tells the story of your epic journey through RAGE — from bewildered Ark survivor to...

State of Gaming ’11: The Xbox Brand

State of Gaming ’11: The Xbox Brand

I originally wrote a piece on the State of Microsoft Gaming just under a year ago. A year later, I felt it was time to re-evaluate Microsoft’s position. What has changed in the past 12 months?...

Microsoft at E3 2011

Microsoft at E3 2011

Instead of bogging down the site with tons of content, we’ll offer our readers a simple recap/links to the major announcements for each of the big 3 press conference. Microsoft is the first one...

e3 Trailer Watch

e3 Trailer Watch

As e3 gets closer and closer, we shall be bombarded with various trailers and teasers so we’ll post some every now and then, we can’t be held responsible for finding them all! [youtube]ONs8UvZswgI[/youtube] A...