Happy Hour: Girl Meets World: Girl Meets Home for the Holidays Promo
Title is a mouthful isn’t it? Happy Hour is a place where we share something online that makes us happy on the inside. Tonight, we bring to you the first promo of Girl Meets...
Title is a mouthful isn’t it? Happy Hour is a place where we share something online that makes us happy on the inside. Tonight, we bring to you the first promo of Girl Meets...
Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Francesco Francavilla Detective Comics #879 follows Jim Gordon’s investigations into his son, James Jr., and deals with the Joker’s escape from Arkham Asylum (again). Since Scott Snyder took over Detective...
Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Francesco Francavilla   I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Detective Comics is my favourite book being published by DC at the moment. Ever since Scott Snyder took...