Special Service: Nintendo Fans Celebrate No. 2
While Sony fans have had to amuse themselves with various other issues the past for days in the wake of the PSN outage, Nintendo fans took to the streets to celebrate. What were they celebrating?
Well as many know, Nintendo was able to secure the vaunted number one spot in the console wars, with that all wrapped up, fans took their eyes to another realm. Yes, for the first time ever, Nintendo and their fans are finally able to celebrate being the number 2 online experience in console gaming!
Yes, miles behind Xbox Live, but at least it functions enough to play games! Below, you will see pictures of such gatherings.
We were able to grab a few quick comments from excited fans as the party continues into the night. (At the time of the article, there was no update as to when PSN would come back online)
“Oh man, it feels so good! It feels so good, I even started playing Smash Bros online!WHOO!” When asked why he was out in the street partying instead of with a controller, “Well the lag is bad enough that I just need to put in a move/counter every several minutes before the person on the other side sees it! But at least we can go online, WHOOOO!”
Signs could be seen, “Let’s be Friends!” “Mii and my Mii” “Friends Aren’t true Friends Until they exchange 16 Digits” “Players get 10 Digits, Real Players Get 16!”
Anyhow, let’s give them a hand as they celebrate this accomplishment, it won’t last long!
this is a joke right?
sounds like your butthurt?
PSN is down not Nintendo Online or Xbox Live but PLAYSTATION NETWORK. tisk tisk you think a multi billion dollar corporation could use their billions to save the day but they got beat down by a nerd in his basement! hahaha!
Obviously Sony’s network is down due to low moral. Imagine working in an environment without easy access to rooster hats? Horrid!
April fools was 25 days ago, a bit too late to fictionalise an event in order to invoke hate by the reader.
This is the funniest crap I’ve ever heard. I love Wi-Fi gaming on Nintendo but celebrating being number two is hilarious.
But to push a network saying it’s better than XBox live… and then not able to even get it up is just sad. Poor sony. Erectile wifi disfunction affects many people but only one console.