The Red Phone: E3 2012 Predictions
We are less than a week away from the start of e3 (and even shorter if you account for all the pre-e3 shenanigans taking place this week), and its a great time to be a gamer.
That’s why for the 2nd year in a row we’re opening up all the channels for you to leave us your predictions, thoughts,hopes and wild rumors for a very special edition of Dual Wielding. There are a ton of ways to get in contact with us!
- Phone– Calling our very special Red Phone, and leaving us a voice mail is our favorite method. You can reach us at (347) 470-NERD (6373) Don’t worry this is a Google Voice account!
- Skype– Can leave a message with BreakaBonePB
- E-mail– Send us your emails or a pre-recorded message at
- Twitter– Leave us a reply/tweet at @Dual_Wielding (And yes I realize how dumb it is to use at @ back to back, go with it!)
- FaceBook– Like the new Facebook page and leave us your predictions there as well!
Now for those who don’t know what to leave, we’ll just leave you with some general questions.
What new characters do you expect/want to be announced in PlayStation All-Star Battle Royale?
What do you expect Nintendo to show for the Wii U?
What new titles will Microsoft announce?
What will Quantic Dream’s game be like?
Who’s press conference do you expect to see Assassin’s Creed at?
Do you think we’ll see Retro’s new game?
Will Microsoft or Sony hint at their next gen plans?
Do you think we’ll get a PlayStation Vita price drop?
That’s just some of the questions, feel free to ad-lib! And we’ll see you this weekend!