Nerds on the Rocks 128: Yo Joe, Transform and Roll Out
In this week’s episode, we take a look at Hasbro movies, past, present and future. We start off with a discussion on the Transformers trilogy, and how much joy it has bought to millions around the world! Then we dissect GI Joe: Rise of Cobra, which we all do love… unironically.. and finally Battleship, the movie that had ONE job and still managed to fail.. we also learn you shouldn’t play Board Games with Trent.
All this and so much more inside!
Tunes on the Rocks: Trying something new this week, instead of placing a song at the end of the show, we have included a sample of a song, and all you have to do is Name that Tune, we’ll try our best to rattle off the folks who got it right on next week’s show! Â (Can leave your answers in comments, on Twitter to @GT_NOTR, show notes on Facebook or e-mail at
Toy Makers: