Comic Book Reviews: Josh’s Haul 10/16/13
Green Lantern: New Guardians #24
Written By: Justin Jordan
Art By: Bradley Walker & Andrew Hennessy
Part three of the Lights Out story continues this week. After the shocking events in Green Lantern Corps #24 last week we see Oa in ruins. Hal is ready to continue the fight, without thinking of the consequences, but decides to visits the Red Lanterns when something happens to Kyle.
This story just keep packing punch after punch to the corps. With New Guardians focusing on Kyle, the colors are really allowed to pop in these issues, given that he can use the whole spectrum as the white lantern. The art for the various entities looks great, as well as the story of the internal battle Kyle faces with them.
Overall, this issue doesn’t do much to move the story very far forward, but it is a satisfying calm before the storm. Seeing Hal in control of the Corps continues to be exciting, while the interactions with the new guardians and Kyle keeps getting more interesting. Where Kyle and the new guardians end up after this story will be exciting.
Review Score: 6 (Out of 7)
Animal Man #24
Written By: Jeff Lemire
Art By: Rafael Albuquerque
Brother Blood has taken over control of the Red, with Buddy and Maxine feeling the effects of this attack. Maxine is still looking to find Cliff when the Shepard decides they must keep her save and protect the red. At the same time Buddy must help save his family, the award ceremony, and the Red or face death.
The emotion and the aspects of family is what keeps the quality of this book high month after month. The way Albuquerque can change the style of his art between the real world and the Red is what makes this book. The reader can really get an aspect of how different these worlds are, and feel how weird the Red truly is. The last several months have seen Buddy at the lowest in his life, and the time may finally come for him to rise up and save the day. This struggle is makes rooting for the hero that much more satisfying.
Overall, Animal Man continues to pack an emotional punch month after month. The Baker family feels like a real family because it is not perfect and the struggles they face seem very real. Seeing Maxine continue to grow into the avatar of the Red is exciting as is Buddy trying to regain the trust of the Red.
DC please keep this creative team in tact!
Review Score: 6 (Out of 7)
Batman & (Robin) Two Face #24
Written By: Peter J. Tomasi
Art By: Patrick Gleason & Mick Gray
This issue really digs into introducing a new character as well as how she is connected to one Harvey Dent. With the stages of grief over for Batman this issue focuses more on Dent, and how he became Two-Face in the New 52, which I am sure will upset many people.
This story seems to be setting up two face to almost be a good guy with the backstory that happened to him, and how the woman involved is really the monster. How he will deal with her as well as what Batman does to try and keep order should be interesting but this story just seemed to be lacking something. The art was very good, especially the flash back scene where Harvey becomes Two-Face, the reader could really see the pain the man was feeling.
Overall, this story could be interesting but nothing very excited happened other then the New 52’s origin of Two-Face. This is a Batman & Robin title and the lack of a Robin is really starting to take a toll on the book.
Review Score: 4 (out of 7)