Comic Book Review – Samurai Jack #3
Written by: Jim Zub
Art by: Andy Suriano
Colors by: Josh Burcham
What this issue does…it does in silence. You think it’s going one way and them BAM! Right in your face – the truth is revealed.
It’s pretty great.
Jim Zub continues Samurai Jack on this quest for the “threads of time” as he comes across the golden village of Grantus that his pouch of “time threads” have lead him to. Here we meet Gloer The Great, a Hercules type character who is pompous and bold but never a character you dislike reading. Zub portrays the same heroic strength in him that he does in Jack. The twist of the story (which I won’t spoil here) delivers a hint of sadness and pity as the revelations unravel. While part of a continuous storyline, this issue feels like a one-shot that delivers with complete satisfaction.
Andy Suriano’s art is emotive and dynamic. Lines break through form, poses are dramatic and movement is felt throughout the issue. Suriano’s style is very animated and cartoony and that creates a vibe and energy to the book that balances very well with Zub’s tone of the script. He knocks it out of the park with his splash pages and panel layouts that create a great scope of perspective. While being creative with the art direction he still finds room to cram in characters and backgrounds making each page a delight to scour with the eyes long after reading it. The bonus to all this added detail is the colors provided by Josh Burcham.
The colors. THE COLORS! Not just the colors, but the affects and designs of the colors within the colors! Purples and pinks, yellows and greens, deep reds he runs the gamut with his choices in this issue. Burcham goes bonkers in this book experimenting with dot patterns, designs, color hazes and blends. He’s doing more than adding color; he’s adding flavor to an already tasty meal. It’s refreshing to see a colorist use multiple styles and test the limits of his role.
When people talk about great comics they need to start mentioning Samurai Jack. This is a comic that bleeds heart, fun and creativity as if it were sliced with a katana.
Review Score: 7 (out of 7)
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[…] Nerds on the Rocks:7/7 “When people talk about great comics they need to start mentioning Samurai Jack. This is […]