Comic Book Review: EGOs #1

EGOs #1

Written by: Stuart Moore

Art by: Gus Storms


EGOs #1 by Image dropped on the scene pretty quietly. There were no big announcements or press releases; one day it was just there (which is odd for an Image title these days). And because of that, this science fiction/space superhero book may not win the battle for dollars when pitted against Image’s other science fiction books on the shelf. But what do I know?

Stuart Moore crafts a dense opening issue that lays out the past, present and hints at the future. He provides ample information regarding the world we’re in, the technology used and the characters that matter. Honestly, it may be too much information. His use of exposition gets cluttered by its overuse; having two separate voices used without any indication that they are separate until the characters are revealed. This creates a bit of confusion. The basic premise of the story is interesting and could be fun but what we get here is an overload of information that creates a slow read.

Gus Storms handles the art and colors and does a good job for the most part. His style is along the lines of Nick Pitarra and it fits this book well. The small details work when it comes to the technology and character designs. The touch of grit gives the world a “real life” feel instead of the “perfectness” that most sci-fi stories have. The color schemes and coordination work really well at providing mood and tones of the scenes. The main issues I have in the art department are the inconsistencies. A few pages are drawn very loosely and colored in the same manner creating an unfinished look to them.  

EGOs has the potential to be a breakout hit due to its lush world and characterization but as it stands with this first issue too much feels forced and unfinished. It’s as if this book is being created knowing the current issue might be its last… and that may be its ultimate undoing.

Score: 3 (out of 7)

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