Comic Book Review – Dead Body Road #1
Written by: Justin Jordan
Art by: Matteo Scalera
Colors by: Moreno Dinisio
It’s like one of them hot summer days, you know? Where the heat keeps kicking you even though you’re down. Where you scratch your neck and the grit and grim gets shoveled under your fingernails. Where your sleeves are soaked from your brow’s sweat. But you don’t want to go in. You love it.
Dead Body Road #1 is the thirst and the water.
It would be easy to break down Justin Jordan’s script, Matteo Scalera’s pencils and Moreno Dinisio’s colors into small sections and highlight what they do well. But that wouldn’t do it justice because this book feels whole. It feels like everyone who had a hand in this was all in, one hundred percent. I don’t know what happened behind the scenes but this comic feels like full collaboration.
Jordan’s writing comes off the page like a Tarantino flick as Scalera’s art displays the violence and grief, all while Dinisio’s colors paint the world in a shade of  warm blues, yellows and browns that give it a dusty road kind of vibe. Every panel has a splash of speckled ink or color to give it a gritty, dirty feel. You aren’t meant to feel clean while reading this. These are bad guys doing bad things and the trio of Jordan, Scalera and Dinisio do an excellent job of bringing that emotion to each page. The story flows from beginning to end at a nice pace allowing the reader to grasp all the names and details that are being dropped as it all unfolds. Each character is distinct in name and recognizable in design and carries a weight and motion to their movements and expressions grounding them in their world.
Dead Body Road is a rough and rugged revenge story off to an excellent start and should only continue to get better as the creative teams synergetic energy grows.
Review Score: 7 (out of 7)