Author: Jon Ireson

GAMERZ411 #3 – E3 2011 = Ghost Town?

GAMERZ411 #3 – E3 2011 = Ghost Town?

In this episode of GAMERZ411, we welcome new additions BangBangSami and hungPHATx to our show as well as guest member, Venomous Fatman. We cover various topics including a big discussion on the new E3...

PS Move Heroes Shooter Gameplay Video – Clank

PS Move Heroes Shooter Gameplay Video – Clank

Check out some of the PlayStation Move Heroes gameplay footage from Clank’s side of things. This is shooter gameplay that will have you using your Move to pop shots off! [bliptv][/bliptv] “PlayStation Move Heroes is a game...

PS Move Heroes Gameplay – Ratchet Gold Medal

PS Move Heroes Gameplay – Ratchet Gold Medal

PlayStation Move Heroes is a game hitting the PS3 soon with the Move required that will bring about characters that are already loved by fans to face challenges together. In this gameplay video, check...

PlayStation Move Heroes Gameplay – Sly

PlayStation Move Heroes Gameplay – Sly

PlayStation Move has a new title headed to it which will incorporate the most well known 3D platformer games’ characters such as Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, and more. Here is...

Stacking Gameplay Video – Strike Beater Trophy

Stacking Gameplay Video – Strike Beater Trophy

Stacking is a new title from Double Fine that brings a fresh take on gaming with it’s unique gameplay mechanics and overall atmosphere. In this video you can see the first trophy in the...