151 Proof Movies: Speed 2 Cruise Control Drinking Game

We’re in for the ride of our lives this week. Actually we aren’t. Since Speed 2 seems to forgo the entire premise of the first film and instead kind of settles at being Under Siege-lite! But that won’t stop us nor Sandra Bollock!

Let’s get to the rules.

  1. DaFactor – Every time Williem Dafoe is at his most Williem Dafoenest, take a drink!
  2. Speed Back – For every reference/nod to the original film, take a drink.
  3. Like a Knife Through Butter – For any vehicle/cruise ship collision, take a drink.
  4. Cruise Controller – For every explosion and reference to explosive devices, take a drink.
  5. TBD – Not much to gather from the trailers so we’re gonna give it 5-10 minutes to create a rule specific for the movie.

As always, we will put these rules to the test when we can and make any necessary amendments to make sure you have the BEST possible time while watching the movie. You can follow along by following eitherĀ @ER_NOTRĀ orĀ @Wooden_PintĀ on Twitter. Or by following the hashtag #151PM. Usually starting at 10pm ET/7pm PT on Friday nights!

Earl Rufus

The owner of this little chunk of the internet. Enjoys having a good time and being rather snarky!

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