151 Proof Movies: Postal Drinking Game

This week, like noted before, is extra special because we get two 151 Proof Movies this week. We posted the rules for The Smurfs drinking game last night, and tonight we present Postal.

Postal continues our long legacy of video game adaption because heaven knows they keep making them terrible. This marks the 14th film to be done by us, and 3rd to be directed by Uwe Boll. Unlike the others though, we have no experience with this franchise so really not sure what to expect.

That said, it’s time for the Postal drinking game! To the rule book!

  1. Post-Death– For every kill/death in this film, take a drink.
  2. Post-Boom– For every explosion in this film, take a drink.
  3. Post-Shoot– Anytime a character uses a gun (or turret) or rocket launcher, take a drink.
  4. Post-Shouts– Anytime a character/faction says “Jihad” or “Allah”, take a drink.
  5. Post-Symbols- Anytime you see the peace symbol, swastika or anarchy sign, take a drink.

There you have it. As always, you can follow along by following either @ER_NOTR or @Wooden_Pint on Twitter. Or by following the hashtag #151PM

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