Game Over? The Curse of the Video Game Movie!
From the adventures of the Super Mario Bros to the meanest, toughest Angry Birds you know, we examine the 20 year disaster that has been video game movie adaptations
From the adventures of the Super Mario Bros to the meanest, toughest Angry Birds you know, we examine the 20 year disaster that has been video game movie adaptations
The latest DW focuses on the Splatoon Global Testfire, Wolfenstein The Old Blood and Batman selling out!
Friday November 22nd, 2013 has been dubbed N-Day (at least by yours truly), the day when the world is graced with both a new Zelda and Super Mario title. While I eagerly anticipate the...
[151 Proof Movies is our unique way of viewing some of cinema’s most famous and infamous movies. We offer you some drinking rules to enhance your experience, and generally give you an update after...
Activision is once again in the eye of the storm this week on Dual Wielding between the cancellation of the DJ Hero, Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk games, and the announcement of even more...
GAMERZ411 #2: Activision Versus Infinity Ward + EA – Who’s To Blame? Also In this Episode: -Inside Info: Who Created Console Hate + “Fanboys”? -Resistance 3: Why isn’t it Getting the Heat it Deserves?...