Tagged: Legend of Zelda
Dual Wielding: Fallout Directly To You!
We start off this week with some pretty long impressions of the latest hit game, Fallout 4. Then briefly touch on Nintendo’s latest free to start game, Badge Arcade, and debate their fascination with...
Dual Wielding: Bloodborne Ritual for Delays
Delays are the word of the week with news of Zelda Wii U, Batman Arkham Knight and Quantum Break getting all new release windows.
Bloodborne dominates our impressions and BoxBoy! leaves an impression!
The Legend of Zelda: The Journey to Television
Some announcements/rumors just come out of left-field. The internet was set ablaze when The Wall-Street Journal posted that they heard Netflix and Nintendo were working together on a live-action, The Legend of Zelda TV...
Dual Wielding 164: The PlayStation Experience Awards!
What a weekend to be a game’s fan. Between The Game Awards on Friday and the Playstation Experience on Saturdays, consumers got to see dozens of games, new, old and updated. To break it...
Dual Wielding 27: Massively Effected Edition
The Mass Effect series takes a center stage this week, as Daniel completes Mass Effect 2 for the first time on the PC and can’t stop raving about it, while GameInformer reveals a ton...
Drunken Dialect: Interview with Link
At the start of any new year, there is always a buzz in the air about all the new and exciting products we can look forward in said year. One of the most anticipated...