Tagged: Codename STEAM

Man of Steelcast: Superman

With the pending release of Man of Steel in theaters, we thought it was time to revisit the Superman films that have come before. We begin our journey in the late 70s when the...

Man of Steel Trailer Mix

There’s really not much to say, it looks like there will actually be a good Superman film in my lifetime. Check out the awesome trailer for Man of Steel below. And then go read...

Review Shooter: Superboy 1

Review Shooter: Superboy 1

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: R.B Silva Superboy is an interesting character in the DC Universe, originally a younger version of Superman, his origin and tale has evolved over time. With the DC relaunch underway,...

Review Shooter: Superman 713

Writers: JMS & Chris Roberson Artists: EDDY BARROWS and J.P. MAYER   This issue was the equivalent of a Superman circle jerk. There’s really no other way to say it. It was literally Clark...