Tagged: Birdman

Ask a Dork: E3 Predictions

What do you expect out of the Big 3 at E3? What do you want to see from them? What do you want to see more of/less of in general at the show? Hmm....

Ask a Dork: The Vita

“Do you think Sony should attempt to market the Vita as a secondary Sony device or try to carve out a niche for the device?ā€ I think Sony is stuck between a rock and...

Review: Spelunky (Vita)

Spelunky has already seen an XBLA release last year. Now it is also available on PS3 and the Playstation Vita. I have taken a look at how the Vita version has turned out. If...

Ask a Dork: E3 2013 Games

Going into E3, what is one genre of games you would like to see Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo individually tackle to diversify their own portfolios? The interesting thing about the video game market is...