Tagged: Kingdom Hearts

January 2019 Releases Recap

We are a few short weeks from the end of the year (And to that point, the decade) so you’ll be seeing plenty of best of lists about, and who knows may do one...

Trailer Mix: Bungie finally reveals its Destiny

With nearly this entire console generation behind us since Bungie and Microsoft announced an amicable divorce in the weeks following Halo 3‘s blockbuster launch, the acclaimed developer is finally ready to step out of...

State of Gaming ’11: The Xbox Brand

State of Gaming ’11: The Xbox Brand

I originally wrote a piece on the State of Microsoft Gaming just under a year ago. A year later, I felt it was time to re-evaluate Microsoft’s position. What has changed in the past 12 months?...

Guest Editorial: Marketing Beyond Your Brand

Guest Editorial: Marketing Beyond Your Brand

(This is part of our Guest Editorial service, the original article is taken from Jason’s Personal blog. Co-host of Dual Wielding.) Successful marketing is an incredibly useful tool to get consumers to buy your...

NoTR 30 Countdown Day 3

NoTR 30 Countdown Day 3

We continue to rock and roll as we reach Friday’s big event, Nerds on the Rocks 30. Our very first, Versus podcast, pits fictional icons against each other fitting whatever criteria you want in...